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Astrology is a science of prediction in general, but it has a deep insight in every aspect of one’s life including the details of past and future life. While the ancient records of knowledge (four vedas) documented about creation such as how it was started, maintained and, transformed Astrology remains as the eye of them. As the knowledge in ancient record is eternal, Astrology also remains eternal. In ancient period, many thousand years ago people lived the supreme value of Civilization without going through any problem or suffering in life with the help of certain rituals performed at the right time making use of the directives of Astrology.



Astrology is a science of prediction in general, but it has a deep insight in every aspect of one’s life including the details of past and future life. While the ancient records of knowledge (four vedas) documented about creation such as how it was started, maintained and, transformed Astrology remains as the eye of them. As the knowledge in ancient record is eternal, Astrology also remains eternal. In ancient period, many thousand years ago people lived the supreme value of Civilization without going through any problem or suffering in life with the help of certain rituals performed at the right time making use of the directives of Astrology.

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About Sri Agathiyar Nadi Jothidam

We can find nowadays the Temple Valluvas, spread in Tamilnadu offer this invaluable service to the betterment of the people who approach them. In this centre of Astrology, ‘Sri Agathiyar Nadi Jothidam consulting service’ the chief Naadi Astrologer Shri.M.P.Kandavel, posesses 25 plus years of experience in the Naadi Astrology. Born in the family of well reputed Astrologers traditionally, has the knowledge of both Naadi Astrology and Natal Astrology. In due course of time he found his Master already well known in the field of Naadi Astrology for his deep insight in the subject, served him with utmost respect and dedication, learnt through intellectual understanding and practical and personal experience to gain mastery over Naadi Astrology.

His stout experience in this field in the Past more than two decades enabled him to offer perfect Jyothish (Astrological) consultation to the needy people who approach him. He has his client not only in India but in different parts in the globe. His knowledge in this area and success rate earned the appreciation of almost all the clients.


Sri Agathiyar Nadi Jothidam

What is Naadi Astrology ?


Naadi Astrology is an ancient well defined and time tested methodology to predict anyone’s future at any given point of time in detail. Details of the birth of an individual and the future course of life of that infividual, documented by the spiritually enlightened Masters, thousands of years ago in various ways but the major part of it documented in palmyrah leaves and they are still preserved by a perticular class of people in India.

Why Naadi Astrology ?


Naadi Astrology is a simple way to have the knowledge of one’s future. It requires afterall thumb impression only. Its a systematic way of analysing one’s life from a fully developed consciousness of Great Seers, Maharishies. It details all the values of life without bias. The way it brings to light the prediction is simply fantastic.

Why Remedies Needed ?


Human birth finds its roots in its past life and the life of the human being is driven by the results of past actions. Every action has its reaction…science. As you sow so shall you reap… accepted cosmic law. Activities are good and bad too. Results of good activities support the life of the doer and others in the environment. Bad activities causing damage to the life of the doer and others in the environment. Great Seers were sympathetic enough to notify the appropriate activities to nullify and offset the results of bad, sinful activities blocking the growth of life. Their notification out of kindness to the ‘suffering free’ life of human beings is known as Remedies.




Confirms the identities of the Native (the person who wants to know about his/her present and future life) such as date of birth, parentage, education etc., and gives a general prediction for the remaining 11 chapters. The entry in it is primarily Thumb Impression. Right thumb impression for gents and left for Ladies. In case we can’t get thumb print, date of birth is the alternative means to cater the purpose.



Speaks about the good luck supporting all the values of life such as growth of wealth, harmony in family life, right eye and its vision, stocking the food grains, fluency in speech, gaining knowledge through hearing, desire for relishable food, walking fast (style), speaking in contrast, collection of gems etc.,



Speaks about general capability, success in activities and war, growth of business, interest in music, physical strength, auditory ability, courage, commanding voice, acquisition of landed property, Inclination to real estate, neck, foot, concern for younger brother and sister etc.



Speaks about cattle rising, type of house and happiness accruing from that, mother, friendship, treasure, pilgrimage, happiness from vehicle, house construction, ruling a part of land scape, good deeds, victory, self confidence by gaining mastery over knowledge, counselling, concern for father, recent pilgrimage, prostitution etc.,



Speaks about interest in scripture, sharp mindedness, intellect, life nourishing words, professing branches of knowledge, instruction in mystic sounds and elaborate study in them, good deeds of past life, information of father, pregnancy, understanding and harmony among the in borns, progeny etc.,



Speaks about maternal uncle, attendants, inertia, oscillation of mind, back biting and denouncing, incomplete action, fear of thieves, loss of money, fear of death in water, venereal disease, death by snake bite, disease, enemies, revolts, litigation, debt etc.,



Speaks about the appropriate time for marriage, experience of married life, living with relative, life span of wife, honour conferred on, ability in sustaining conjugal happiness, business and litigation etc.,



Speaks about war and war front, wound caused by weapons, falling down, humiliation, wasteful expenditure, unnecessary exertion, prolonging enmity, chronic health disorders, sinister activities, lifespan, lack of knowledge, controversy in married life, fear and prolonged suffering etc.,



Speaks about father, continuity of generation, right action, maintaining spiritual centre, sinking well for everybody’s use, studying to gain knowledge of Self, mind instilled in divinity, attending preceptor reverentially, being affectionate with in borns, having faith in Master and taking instructions from Him, service minded, renovating and consecrating places of worship etc.,



Speaks about livelihood, being known for capabilities, formation of new cities, involving in virtuous deeds, using dignified clothes, regular prayer, command over bigger territory, knowledge in financial management, self prestige, interest in preserving the body for ever, gaining mastery over all aspects of life, establishing contact with far off places, final rites to elderly people (parents relative) etc.,



Speaks about elder brother(s), sister(s), attendants, second/ third/fourth wife, returns from gold, acquisition of vehicle(s), elimination of suffering and looking for the possibilities of contented life, authority over ethics, fulfilment in action and enjoying a fair margin of profit, collection of long term debt, being truthful, clearer thinking, being good to everyone , devoted to mother etc.,



Speaks about wealth, good deeds, sacrifice, attachment to one’s own clan, interest in yagna (holy sacrificial fire), placement in distant region, spending on sinful activities, happiness of journey, sleeping well, subsequent birth(s) etc.,


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There is a specific procedure to enter in Naadi Astrology to know about one’s life past, present and future. The Great Seers, Maharishies found the thumb print of an individual as a suitable key to enter in Naadi Astrology to the purpose of consultation. They classified the modes (genetic identities) found in the thumb in more than one hundred categories. For each mode the relevant bundles are kept separated. When a client comes to know what is there in stock for him the Naadi Astrologer takes the thumb print to ascertain the mode and following that he separates the bundles pertaining to that mode. Each bundle contains 50 to 100 leaves having the carving (script written) in ancient Tamil, speaking about the life of the clients. Each leaf will have the index of a particular person such as the person’s date of birth as per the Tamil almanac, parentage, age at the time of going through this procedure, marital status, employment etc., in the codified form.The Naadi Astrologer will decode the information found in the leaf in simple Tamil, the local language to be understood by the client and for the verification of the identities of the client.

When all the information/identities of the client are found in a particular leaf are correct, then the Naadi Astrologer will read the entire leaf containing all information of that client in nutshell. This particular reading is named as general chapter. Though the Maharishies gave a brief narration of all about the life of the client they did not fail to present a detailed version of it in relevant subsequent chapters. The general chapter is mandatory to go through all other chapters.

Following that the Great Seers spoke about the entire expanse of one’s life presented in twelve various segments called as twelve Bhavas. The first one is the general description of the life of a person and nothing will be so profound in it. But the Bhavas excepting the first one will describe a separate part of life in detail. For an example chapter 2 describes in detail education, inflow of money, eye sight, collection of valuables, gems and ornaments etc., So also other chapters speaking about other areas of life.


Visiting Temples


There are 12 important aspects in one’s life. Each one is detailed separately in a specific chapter. So in 12 chapters we can know all about one’s life completely. In each chapter as usual positivity and negativity might be there. To neutralize negativity found in a particular chapter dealing with a particular aspect of life specific temples were pointed out by the great Seers along with rituals to be performed there. Each chapter is different from others and so there are different temples to neutralize the negativity. Ascertaining the right temple to be prescribed to a particular negativity is very important.

When we make arrangement to visit the temple(s) we take into consideration suitable boarding and lodging to the clients for a fulfilling trip.



To nullify the dreadful bad effects quickly and effectively Homas advised by the Great seers. As per their Visualisation, every aspect of life is governed by a particular Devta (Demi God). If the Governor, Demi God is not given the possibility to govern a particular aspect / part of our body e-g ‘Heart’ then that part ‘Heart’ will function abnormally resulting in total ill health of the body.

But, knowing it in advance we can arrest this danger before it has arisen up by a particular Homa.

‘Homa’ is a set procedure rising Sacrificial (Holy) Fire to propitiate a particular Devta (demi God) following an appropriate procedure in order to seek Its blessings to restore normal functioning in the parts of the body and mind. Good physical health and mental health can be lived spontaneously.




Yantra is to achieve a higher degree of concentration and awareness for specific purpose like Pooja (Adoration of God), Meditation, Development of Particular Power, Attraction of Good Will, Good Health, Wealth etc., and it is to ward off evil and negative power and influence from one’s life.

Higher Level of living using Yantra:
Higher level of living can be achieved by awakening Divine entities such as Goddess Saraswathy, Goddess Lakshmi etc., energizing them and redirecting them to the well being of any individual concerned.

Yantra represents various forms of cosmic forces or energies coming together in harmony. It can be used to enhance the well being of inner and outer values of any one’s life.


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected hummer.

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